Yangyang-gun will host the Namdaecheon Renaissance Cup National Youth Soccer King and King of Kings
Hosted by Yangyang-gun and organized by Yangyang-gun, Yangyang-gun Sports Council, and the Korea Sports and Education Association, the competition will involve 500 people from 48 youth soccer clubs across the country, and 2,000 people, including officials and parents, are expected to visit the region.
The participating teams were selected as national youth soccer clubs and after-school specialty aptitude classes, and local competition winners organized by the Korea Sports Education Association were selected first, and consisted of less than 10 teams per category in six categories (U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, and U12).
Through this competition, the county expects to lay the foundation for the discovery and development of youth soccer players, helping to expand the base of youth soccer, as well as increase the value of local brands and revitalize the economy.
We will make efforts to contribute to the development of youth soccer and the expansion of the base of local sports through this competition, a county official said. "We hope it will be a good opportunity to promote the beautiful Yangyang natural scenery to visitors." <저작권자 ⓒ 설악타임즈 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>