
Sokcho City Holds 2024 Sokcho New Year's Event

Gapjin Sokcho, Gapjin New Year, and Sokcho Celebrate 100 Years of Future

오영주 기자 | 기사입력 2023/12/26 [20:26]

Sokcho City Holds 2024 Sokcho New Year's Event

Gapjin Sokcho, Gapjin New Year, and Sokcho Celebrate 100 Years of Future

오영주 기자 | 입력 : 2023/12/26 [20:26]

Sokcho City will hold the 2024 Sokcho New Year's event "Gapjin Sokcho, Gapjin New Year" at the Expo Lawn Square from 8 p.m. on December 31 to mark the year of Gapjin, and will hold a sunrise performance at 6:30 a.m. on January 1 at the outdoor stage of Sokcho Beach.


Sokcho City has prepared a variety of events, including local artist performances, experiences, fireworks, and countdown performances for the New Year to comfort Sokcho citizens and visitors who have been running hard over the past year and support the New Year of Hope.


At the experience booth, which starts at 20:00, new poetry characters "Jani and Raeyo" promotional events, thank you challenges, tarot, caricature, wish writing, and roulette events are scheduled, and the performance will feature an exciting program that opens a strong new year with Sokcho City Pungmul Group's samulnori, music performances by various genres and Daedongnori that can be enjoyed by all Sokcho citizens.


In particular, the Cheongyong and Hwangyong performances in Cheongcho Lake, well-known as the legend of Cheongyong and Hwangyong in Sokcho, and the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Listed Sokcho Lion Play are expected to attract a lot of attention from Sokcho citizens and tourists visiting the venue.


In addition, a New Year countdown will be prepared to shout out the New Year together, followed by a colorful fireworks display in the night sky to provide fun attractions to Sokcho citizens and tourists who will visit the New Year's event.


In addition, various light sculptures and photo zones for the 2024 New Year, which are harmonized with night tours, as well as wish and virtue cards, and virtue zones will be created at the venue.


Sokcho City will deploy vehicles and personnel in the venue through the establishment of safety management measures and close cooperation with related organizations and organizations such as police and fire fighting, and will also deploy more than 30 volunteers to ensure safety management of the event.


From 6:30 p.m. on January 1, an orchestra, Pungmul, and North Korea performance will be held as a sunrise performance of "Gapjin Sokcho, Gapjin New Year" for sunrise visitors at Sokcho Beach.


Sokcho Mayor Lee Byung-sun said, "We will pray for civic harmony and happiness through the 2024 New Year's celebration for the next 100 years, and prepare without a hitch so that tourists and citizens who visit Sokcho can remember safely and comfortably."

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