
Sokcho City Museum hosts local artist exhibition featuring calligraph

Ryan | 기사입력 2023/09/06 [08:59]

Sokcho City Museum hosts local artist exhibition featuring calligraph

Ryan | 입력 : 2023/09/06 [08:59]


The Sokcho City Museum is holding a local artist exhibition called “Hyepungyeonmuk: Calligraphy Journey” until October 1st, 2023.


The exhibition showcases about 40 works by the members of the Hyepung Character Formative Research Institute (President Choi Hong-young), who create beautiful calligraphy art. The exhibition includes traditional and modern calligraphy works that express passion, freshness, and creativity.


The Sokcho City Museum has been inviting local artists and groups to exhibit their works since 2016, to support their activities and provide opportunities for communication and appreciation.

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