
Sokcho City Holds 10th Sea Boat Art Festival

안하영 기자 | 기사입력 2023/11/09 [17:41]

Sokcho City Holds 10th Sea Boat Art Festival

안하영 기자 | 입력 : 2023/11/09 [17:41]

▲ Poster for the 10th Sea Boat Art Festival


Sokcho Minyechong's 10th Sea Boat Art Festival will be held at Squid Halbok in Cheongho-dong from 1 p.m. on November 12 (Sunday).


The Sea Boat Art Festival is a small-scale art festival by Sokcho Folk Art Association that utilizes the historical and cultural symbol of the displaced people's representative cultural asset, "Seabae," and will be held this year under the theme of "Peace Signal Meeting in Seabae."


Following violinist Jang Han-sam's opening performance, you can enjoy the project Yul, which tells you the unique musical experience of living conditions and water sounds, the late writer Ivan's play "That Day, That Day" with the audience, a reading play in which actors play important scenes, and the performance of the band "Gypsy Wanderers," which is active with Balkan gypsy music motif.


In the exhibition, you can meet some of Lee Seung-hang's special exhibition of Automata, which contains a peace story, which is a sculpture derived from ancient Latin meaning "to operate on its own." It refers to an automatic machine that operates without continuous human adjustment, and is an art field that combines the principles of science and artistic imagination. In addition, at the exhibition, you can see "African Elephant" warning of the climate crisis and "Boy with Flowers" works with anti-war messages.


An important message exhibition of the play "That Day, That Day" depicting the pain of Sokcho's displaced people will also be held to twist the pain of loss of hometown due to the war, and visitors will be welcomed by experiences such as making paper mudflats and drawing caricatures.


This year, it will be held at Squid Halbok, which is being created as a coexistence cultural base with support for Sokcho Cultural City, said Jung Eun-hee, secretary-general of Sokcho Folk Art Association. "We planned to make the meaning of the loss of the boat feel like a variety of art languages."

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