
Sokcho City Ends 'Water Bomb Sokcho 2024' in Success

이민영 기자 | 기사입력 2024/08/19 [17:07]

Sokcho City Ends 'Water Bomb Sokcho 2024' in Success

이민영 기자 | 입력 : 2024/08/19 [17:07]

▲ Waterbomb Sokcho 2024 Composition...Held successfully for 2 consecutive years, leap forward with new tourism content


Sokcho City announced on the 17th that "Water Bomb Sokcho 2024" held at Hanwha Hotel & Resort Sokcho was successfully completed with more than 15,000 people.


The city explained that large-scale performances will not only have the effect of attracting tourists, but will also help revitalize the local economy by usually staying in local accommodations, trading with local companies, and hiring local residents. In particular, unlike last year's event, which sold tickets and concert organizers' accommodation tickets together as a lodging package, the water balm event is expected to have helped tourists greatly by distributing them to nearby accommodation facilities.


The city also said, "Water Bomb has a unique concept of enjoying the performances of various artists with water, and in Sokcho, it has been successfully held for two consecutive years this year following the first event last year under the auspices of Hanwha Hotel & Resort, and is said to have jumped into a representative summer tourism content led by the private sector." "The two consecutive large performances since the last soaking show have been very positive for the local economy," he said.


Sokcho Mayor Lee Byung-sun said, "We thank the private sector for continuously attracting large-scale performances that are very helpful in revitalizing the local economy and successfully promoting them." "Thanks to all related organizations and organizations who joined us for safety management, we were able to finish the big event without accidents, and we will thoroughly prepare the GS25 Music Festival-Sokcho, which will be held on the 31st, so that many citizens and tourists can enjoy it safely."


Sokcho City, on the other hand, said it used its experience in responding to large-scale performance safety management to inspect the site with related agencies Sokcho Police Station and Sokcho Fire Station, operated an administrative situation room within the venue to help safe events proceed, and focused on minimizing inconvenience to citizens and tourists by providing traffic guidance with Sokcho Police Station and Model Motor Association to prevent traffic congestion near the venue.

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