Yangyang-gun will host the "2024 KBS Yangyang National Cycling Championship" from the 22nd
Yangyang-gun said the "2024 KBS Yangyang National Cycling Championship" will be held at Yangyang Cycling Stadium for seven days from June 22 to 28 to expand the base of domestic cycling and find outstanding athletes.
The competition will be hosted by the Korean Cycling Federation, organized by the Korea Cycling Federation, the Korea Business Cycling Federation, and the Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Cycling Federation, supported by Yangyang-gun, and will be the largest ever race with 117 teams and 535 athletes participating in a total of 14 sports, including men's and women's general, high, and middle schools.
Yangyang-gun said, "As it is the largest national cycling competition, we have made every effort to prepare for the competition with the Korean Cycling Federation, and the competition will also be broadcast in real time through the Korean Cycling Federation YouTube channel."
Track competitions will be held from the 22nd to the 27th, with sprints, bicycle wheels, 1 Lap, team pursuit, exclusion, and medics, while road competitions will be held for two days, road solo on the 27th and individual road competitions on the 28th.
In particular, on June 29, the "2024 Masters Cycling Tour," in which 422 amateur Masters club players will run 47.2km and 70km sections, will be held as an extra game for the KBS Yangyang National Cycling Championships, marking a spectacular finale of the competition.
An official of the competition said, "As this competition is held on the largest scale, we ask for a lot of participation from the county residents in track and road competitions," and added, "We ask for active cooperation from the county residents so that a safe competition can be held by using bypass roads and slow driving on the day of the road competition."
On the other hand, Yangyang-gun successfully held the "2024 Yangyang Granpondo Bicycle Competition" on April 27 and the "2024 Yangyang-gun National BMX Competition" from May 4th to 5th. <저작권자 ⓒ 설악타임즈 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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