
The 6th Yangyang County Government Cup Park Golf Tournament will be held on the 13th

안하영 기자 | 기사입력 2023/11/10 [18:31]

The 6th Yangyang County Government Cup Park Golf Tournament will be held on the 13th

안하영 기자 | 입력 : 2023/11/10 [18:31]

▲ The 6th Yangyang County Government Cup Park Golf Tournament will be held on the 13th

The 6th Yangyang Gunbae Park Golf Tournament will be held at Yangyang Namdaecheon Park Golf Course on the 13th.


Organized by Yangyang-gun Park Golf Association and supported by Yangyang-gun and Yangyang-gun Sports Association, the competition will be held with about 200 local park golf club players and operating personnel, providing time for local park golf club members to compete in good faith and strengthen mutual friendship and friendship.


The game will begin at 8 a.m. on the day of the competition, and the opening ceremony, which will begin at 10:30 a.m., will be held in the order of △ opening declaration by Hong Soon-bong, president of the Yangyang-gun Park Golf Association △ national rites △ large companies of Yangyang-gun County Governor Kim Jin-ha △ guest congratulatory speeches such as Kim Yeon-sik, president of the Yangyang-gun Sports Council, and △ player oaths.


In addition, at the awards ceremony to be held at 3 p.m. after the end of the game, plaques will be presented as individual awards to the first to third men and women, respectively.


Kim Jin-ha, Yangyang-gun, said, "I hope that the park golf club members will spend time showing off their skills and solidifying solidarity with each other at the beautifully created Namdaecheon Park Golf Course."


Meanwhile, Namdaecheon Park Golf Course was renovated in June to 45 Hall, and it has a very pleasant environment against the backdrop of Namdaecheon Stream, which is gaining popularity by revitalizing residents' lives as a nature-friendly sports space.


This year, several competitions are being held, including the 6th Gangwon-do Governor's Sports for All Park Golf Tournament and the 2nd Yangyang Songbae Gangwon State Park Golf Tournament, which is also helping to revitalize the local economy.

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